Official registration and establishment
OHPM is a non-political, non-partisan, nonprofit and independent organization founded in 2010. The organization was registered with the NGOs Department of the Ministry of Economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the year 2010 with the registration # 1865.
Organization for Health Promotion & Management (OHPM)
OHPM is a joint mission of experienced public health specialists, trainers, volunteers and researchers who have been working in technical and managerial positions with national and international NGOs and Charity providers since more than a decade. Owing the opportunity; the members having appropriate experience, dedication and voluntarism have gathered to professionally contribute to the health and development systems and to achieve more sustainable results. Thus, the core staff of OHPM has over ten years of successful experience of being directly involved in developing different policies in the areas of health, education and development , designing and implementing service delivery projects (BPHS, EPHS, MPHS, SPHS, CME, CHNE, youth awareness and development, Water & Sanitation and Hygiene, Nutrition, National Solidarity Programs, emergency response actions, and disaster risk reduction trainings and coordination of different humanitarian Aids), designing and conducting professional tasks (Supervision, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Researches), producing quarterly, annual, end of project and ad-hoc reports, and presenting the results of the aforementioned programs at the community, organizational, national and international levels.
OHPM is established to serve as the national advocate for high quality and evidence based public health practices. Utilizing public health networks and experts, OHPM recognizes great and pressing need for reforming the Afghanistan health system to ensure access to the delivery of the best preventive measures and high quality health services for all Afghans in an equitable manner.
OHPM is a member of the Alliance of Health Organizations (AHO) which is an umbrella organization for NGOs working in the health sector in Afghanistan. The main objective of AHO is to advocate for the rights of communities to health and educations as their basic human right.
OHPM currently has a staff of nearly 4000 employees and approximately 1500 volunteers in Paktika, Khost, Kandahar, Helmand, Parwan, Kapisa, Panjshir and Kabul provinces.