Malaria & Leishmaniasis projects
The Organization for Health Promotion and Management (OHPM) is implementing the Malaria project in Khost and Paktika provinces since April 2016 funded by UNDP. OHPM in Paktika and Khost provinces is effectively implementing the case management interventions through 54 HFs (1 PH, 2 DH, 2 CHC+s, 7 CHCs, 15 BHCs, 26 SHCs, and 1 prison Health) in Paktika province and 54 HFs (1 PH, 2 CHC+, 10 CHC, 8 BHC, 20 SHC, and 1 Prison health) in Khost province include of BPHS/EPHS and Non-BPHS related HFs. The following components are included:
- Malaria case management by detecting Malaria cases by RDT and microscopic
- Treatment of Malaria positive cases
- Conducting required Malaria training for all the staff who are engaged in the program such as HFs, Lab technicians.
- Report collection from the HFs and HPs and its entry in the required Databases
During the reporting period, a total of 23,155 suspected cases were tested by both RDT and microscopic at the HFs level of which 1,551 cases were Malaria confirmed cases. And in the HPs level, a total of 6,303 suspected cases were tested by RDT I which 254 were malaria-confirmed cases. As part of the project implementation, during this reporting, the OHPM Malaria project provincial team in close coordination with the PMVDP of Khost and Paktika provinces conducted a total of 63 joint visits from the targeted HFs. These visits were very effective and had a positive impact on the quality-of-service provision. Furthermore, OHPM has distributed a total of 83,071 LLINs in the target population of the Bermal, Gaya, Ziruk, Naka, and Spera districts of Paktika and Khost provinces.