Sehatmandi projects (BPHS&EPHS)
The Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) under the SEHATMANDI project funded by UNICEF were smoothly implemented in Paktika, Khost, and Helmand provinces.
Paktika province is situated in the South East of Afghanistan. It is surrounded by Paktia, Ghazni, Khost, and Zabul provinces and has an international border with Pakistan. The province covers an area of 19,336 km2. Half of the province is mountainous and semi-mountainous terrain (50%) while two-fifths of the area is made up of flat land (41%). The province is divided into 19 districts. The provincial capital is Sharana. Paktika has a total population of 748,910. Almost all (98%) of the population of Paktika live in rural districts while 2% live in urban areas. Paktika has one Provincial Hospital (PH), 2 DHs, 2 CHC+, 7 CHC, 15 BHC, 26 Sub-Centers, 1 prison health center, 228 health Posts and 54 FHAGs.
Kapisa is one of Afghanistan’s thirty-four provinces and is located in the northeast of the country. It has an estimated population of 496,840 people and an area of 1,842 km2 (711 sq. mi), making it the most densely populated province after Kabul Province. It borders Panjshir Province to the north, Laghman Province to the east, Kabul Province to the south, and Parwan Province to the west. Kapisa province has one PH, 1 DHs, 8 CHCs, 17 BHCs, 20 HSCs, 1 prison health center, and 325 health Posts.
Helmand is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan, in the south of the country. It is the largest province by area, covering 58,584 square kilometers (20,000 sq. mi) area. The province contains 13 districts, encompassing over 1,000 villages, and roughly 1,446,230 settled people. Lashkargah serves as the provincial capital. Helmand was part of the Greater Kandahar region until made into a separate province by the Afghan government in the 20th century. Helmand province has 3 DHs, 15 CHCs, 45 BHCs, 14 HSCs, 1 MHT, and 488 health Posts.
During this reporting period, OHPM through the financial support of UNICEF and WHO under the stewardship of MoPH has successfully provided and maintained quality healthcare services through the implementation of the BPHS/EPHS under the SEHATMANDI in the Paktika, Kapisa, and Helmand provinces through 2 PH, 6 DHs, 32 CHCs, 77 BHCs, 60 SHCs, 1 MHT, and 1142 health posts. The OHPM accomplished all of the activities of the BPHS and EPHS project in line with the approved work plan, in order to avoid any interruption in health services delivery during this year, OHPM managed/maintained supplying of medicine/drugs, medical supplies, and consumables, medical and non-medical equipment, fuel for motorbikes, ambulances, and generators, stationery supplies, patients’ food, cleaning materials, and other supplies/ utilities to the entire HFs and HPs. In addition to that, inventory and personal files of BPHS and EPHS were updated.
Services Utilization:
During 2022, almost 6,017,407 clients received OPD consultation which includes under five and over five, males and females, 6017407 as new cases, and 985,056 as re-attendants. In addition to that total of 1,013,264 family visits were made by CHWs at the community level. Furthermore, during this period 5,405 major surgery and 1,543 Cesarean section was conducted in the Paktika, Kapisa, and Helmand provinces.
- Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health Services:
All health facilities and health posts in Paktika, Kapisa, and Helmand provinces provided maternal and newborn care services as per BPHS and EPHS packages and the Reproductive Health Policy and Strategy. This includes ANC, Delivery, PNC, Family Planning/ birth spacing, newborn care, and IEC/BCC services that were provided in accordance with the type of HFs. During this reporting month, OHPM maintained at least one female health worker at all of the HFs except prison health at the center.
- Ante Natal Care: A total of 309558 women received all ANC services. Health education, personal hygiene, Ferrous Sulphate + Folic acid tablets for prevention of anemia are provided and TT vaccines have been administered to all pregnant women. In addition, OHPM effectively managed and provided ambulatory services for all pregnant women referred to higher-level health facilities.
- Institutional Delivery: During this reporting period the OHPM intensify its efforts by using several innovative approaches to maximize the skilled birth attendance and institutional delivery at all HFs that function under BPHS and EPHS and a total of 65514 institutional deliveries were attended.
- Post Natal Care: During the reporting period, a total of 171,,814 postnatal consultations were provided to the client in HFs of BPHS and EPHS in the three provinces.
- Family Planning During the reporting period, a total of 50155 Family Planning (CYP) is provided at all HFs. In addition to that OHPM HF staff offered a total of 174959 family planning counseling to the female clients who visited the health facility for family planning purposes.
- Newborn Care Services: Neonatal care services such as prevention of ophthalmic diseases, resuscitation and immunization of newborns; and newborn heat regulation approaches were provided. In addition, the delivery rooms at HFs were staffed, equipped, and supplied with proper medications and furniture as per the BPHS and EPHS policies.
- Public Nutrition Services:
During this reporting period, OHPM provided preventive and curative nutrition services as per the public nutrition guidelines and SOPs (Public Nutrition Standard Operating Procedures) through all health facilities and Health Posts and through CHWs in the communities. The following activities were carried out under the public nutrition component:
- Growth Monitoring: In this reporting period 546417 under 2 years’ children received growth monitoring services by taking MUAC and measuring their height and weight and necessary counseling was provided for their caregivers.
- Screening Under 5 Children: The under-five children were screened for malnutrition by taking their anthropometric measurements. CHWs also provided screening services and referred those children diagnosed with SMM or MAM to the nearest health facilities.
- Nutrition Counseling Services: In all health facilities a female nutrition counselor provided MIYCN counseling services and a total of 546417 women and children received nutrition counseling services.
- IMAM Services: Nearly all the health facilities in the SEHATMANDI project provided integrated management of acute malnutrition services through OPD SAM and OPD MAM and IPD SAM, in this reporting period 213759 Children and 72910 PLWs were diagnosed and treated.
- Micronutrient Distribution: For the prevention of micronutrient deficiency IFA and other micronutrients were distributed to in-need women and children.
- Child Health and Immunization Services:
OHPM offered immunization services for all types of HFs. EPI fixed centers were functioning in all Health facilities, during this reporting period, required vaccines, stationary, vaccine cards, and registers books were supplied to all HFs, and the availability of vaccine is maintained with close coordination of PEMTs and National EPI. The cold system is ensured in all health facilities.
During this reporting period, a total of 105,828 children<1 received PENTA-3, a total of 127,599 children under one received the measles vaccine, and a total of 320,132 women of CBA received TT2+ Vaccination services.
- Communicable Diseases Control and Prevention:
OHPM provided communicable disease control and prevention through all health facilities in the targeted province, the details of the performance are as follows:
- Tuberculosis: Among the 69,324 slides that were examined and 3,448 (SS+) were confirmed by Laboratory and a total of 2,437 TB Sputum Smear Positive cases were successfully treated. OHPM Supplied TB medicine, lab reagent, stationary, and other necessary items to all CHCs, CHCs+, DHs, and PH, and in monthly HFs in charge coordination meetings and quarterly review meetings have been held in Paktika, Helmand, and Kapisa provinces.
- HIV/AIDS: During this month, a total of 21,597 Patients/clients were tested for HIV; in which 22 cases were found positive.
- Malaria: Throughout the reporting period, a total of 31,143 slides were tested for Malaria parasite; among them, 212 slides were confirmed positive for Plasmodium Falciparum (PF), while 2301 other slides were confirmed positive for other types of malaria, And RDT tests were used for a total of 11451 clients in HFs in which 1262 cases were found positive.
- COVID–19: During the reporting period all (13,308) suspect COVID19 cases were reported by BPHS Health Facilities.
- Mental Health Services:
OHPM provided mental health services at all BPHS and EPHs health facilities as per BPHS-mental health manual and standards. A total of 140,634 new and 53,018 re-attendance cases/ clients/patients received the services and OHPM provided Psychosocial counseling sessions and Psycho-education through its Psycho-Social Counselors for 32,371 women and 20,104 men.
- Disability Services:
During the reporting period, OHPM provided disability services through all its health facilities in Kapisa, Helmand, and Paktika provinces and a total of 8,365 Case-control 163 Referrals, and 4,263 awareness sessions.
- Essential Drug, Medical, and Non-Medical Supplies:
During the reporting year, OHPM provided the needed items and essential medicines, and medical and nonmedical supplies to the Health Facilities and Health Posts of Kapisa, Paktika, and Helmand provinces. Within the period enough medicines and medical supplies were supplied to all 221 health facilities, PH, and 950 health posts as per the standard supply list of BPHS/GDPA of MoPH. The medicine was supplied based on the consumption report, HMIS factors, and the status of OHPM buffer stock at the provincial offices. All health facilities and health posts had enough medicines to avoid stock out of essential drugs. OHPM had buffer stock at provincial offices and resupplied those HFs there needed medicine and medical supply. Furthermore, OHPM provided medical supplies/equipment, Vaccines, and HMIS tools to all health facilities. (The detail is attached to the report).